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tarkheki's avatar

Theater Portfolio IV



I recently applied for a Theater Design Position at a local Theater Company that deals specifically with Aboriginal contents. While they are not looking to hire now, I decided to try my luck anyhow. :)

The Portfolio is called “Evolution” and deals with the transformation of the Oral traditions into Contemporary Theater- passing via the written word [script] and Visual Arts (Costume, Set, Etc).

Seen here, the Fourth set of concepts- staging.

I dedicated two pages of the portfolio to staging- simple backdrops of various ethnic themes that would bring out the cultural concepts of said cultures. I worked primarily with symbols and design styles- with dominant color schemes. :heart:
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427x1106px 328.47 KB
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ilykmuffins's avatar
Oh wow. I love the colors you used. And there are such distinctions between them all (well, duh, obviously), but they're made really well. Amazing. :)